Don’t let the scarcity of “human capital” Impact your Growth Plans

No doubt the “Great Attrition” or whatever term you want to apply to the 20 million plus people who have already left their jobs this year alone, the impact is undeniable. It is harder than ever to grow your business with a “build only” strategy.  

At Athru Partners we are helping growth minded owner/founders of independent marketing services and business services firms explore the role that acquire hire, bolt- on additions or small strategic acquistions can have on helping them continue to grow in this time of record talent demand and shortage.

This recent WSJ article shares details on what is happening and many of the key implications and root causes. Check it out here:

For more information on how Athru can help you explore new buy-side strategies to support your growth contact us here or email:
Dave Sheehan:
Bill O’Donnell: